
Digital Tutors Introduction to XSI 6 For Win.Mac 教學 英文版【4片裝】

  • 貨  號:cai4364-4
  • 種  類:
  • 影片年份:2019
  • 演  員: act |
  • 瀏覽次數:1721
  • 銷售價: NT$600

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Digital Tutors Introduction to XSI 6 For Win.Mac 教學 英文版【4片裝】
Digital Tutors Introduction to XSI 6 For Win.Mac 教學 英文版【4片裝】 
HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Introduction to XSI 6 For Win.Mac 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 4片裝 
保護種類: 無保護 
破解說明: 無 
系統支援: Windows 2000/XP/MAC 
硬體需求: PC/Power PC 
軟體類型: 教學 
更新日期: 2007.03.05 
官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/store/product.php?productid=2496 
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 
輕鬆學習使用 Softimage XSI V6 進行模型製作、材質、燈光、動畫及貼圖的全部 
過程。總共包含七個小時的教學內容及 XSI Softimage XSI V6 新增功能。適合中 
- Setting Up Rotoscopes 
- Working with different surface meshes 
- Polygon modeling techniques 
- Extruding faces and edges 
- Extracting geometry - 分离几何体 
- Assigning materials and textures 
- Working with Texture Layer Editor 
- Creating and modifying UVs with texture projections 
- Utilizing deformers 
- Parenting objects into animation-friendly hierarchy 
- Optimizing workflow with Keying Panel 
- Automatic movement with path animation 
- Setting and modifying keyframes with Animation Editor 
- Understanding the Material Manager 
- Efficiently UV mapping 
- Exploring various light and shadow types 
- Applying rendering techniques 
- Developing shader networks in Render Tree 
- Creating smoke effects with particles 